A Blogger blog comes with the blogger logo as the default Favicon. You may want to change this icon, especially if you have a custom domain name. This tutorial will show you how you can change Blogger Favicon.
To change the favicon, it is an easy task. As far as I know, there are 3 methods to do this.
The first method is, if you own a web hosting, you can upload the file favicon.ico file to the root directory of your hosting server and it will automatically replace the older one. And, obviously, Blogger don’t have this option because it is not a self-hosted blogging platform such as WordPress.
The second method is you add the meta tag with direct link to your favicon file into your blogger template.
Go to Template, choose Edit HTML and click on Format Template.
Paste this code into the head section of your template.
<link rel=”shortcut icon” href=”direct link to your favicon image file” />
And the third and the easiest method is to upload the favicon file directly from the blogger ‘Layout’ menu. I have noticed that it will take some times for the favicon to change if you use this method.
To do this, go to Layout. You can see the favicon box at the top-left of your screen. Click on Edit.

Click on Browse and find the new favicon file. Click on Save.
The favicon for the second and third method not necessarily in .ico format. It can be any regular image format like .jpg or .gif and .png if you want to have transparency. It will be automatically converted into .ico file. Make sure that the resolution is not more than 120×120, what the use of large resolution, favicon is the small icon on the web browser anyway.I have downloaded the favicon file from my blog and it is exactly 16px by 16px.