This time I will show how to downloads all pictures from Facebook albums.

The software that I use is Photo Grabber.
Not only it can download all pictures from all albums, it also can

Download all tagged photos
Download all albums
Download full album which your friend tagged in
Complete comment/tag data

1.Open and press login. If you already logged in, it will directly give your login ticket else you need to log in to Facebook first.

Click on login to get the login token

2. Paste the login ticket and press next.


3. Select your friend or page that you like and select the category.
If you not friend with the person that you want to download pictures from
(and his/her images are accessible for non-friends) or you not like that page
you can click advanced and fill in his/her/the page account name or fill in the ID.
You can obtain id from the address bar.
For example:
100000000000000 is the ID
PageName is the ID

I hope this can be helpful. But this app can download all of albums instead of we choose which album that we want. And what the point for downloading someone’s whole images like a stalker. Downloading a few albums such as party album or class album is acceptable but whole pictures is something like obsession towards that person.

By Toji Ali

Terima kasih sudi singgah ke blog yang tak seberapa ini. Harap ada manfaat yang anda dapat dari sini. Blogging untuk suka-suka saja.

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