I know that anaglyph technology is old but people like me who do not have a 3DTV set at home still use this.

I have downloaded a free Side-By-Side 3D clip from the internet for testing purpose and will watch it using Stereoscopic Player using my home made anaglyph 3D glasses.

So, to make the glasses, what we need are, a piece of red colored plastic sheet, a piece of blue colored plastic sheet and optionally but  preferably, a glasses frame. Or you can make your own glasses frame using cardboard.

Homemade anaglyph 3d glasses
Things that you need

Cut both plastic sheets to make them fit into glasses frame and place the red at your left eye frame and the blue at your right eye frame.

homemade anaglyph 3d glasses-02
Cut the sheets according to the frame shape

So, below is how the anaglyph 3D glasses looks like.

homemade anaglyph 3d glasses-03
The DIY anaglyph 3D glasses is done

Fire up Stereoscopic Player and load a 3D video. Then set the viewing method on Stereoscopic player as Color Anaglyph Red – Cyan. And you ready to watch 3D movies.

Stereoscopic Player
Set the correct setting in Stereoscopic Player

Note: If 3D effect not occur, please change viewing method to Color Anaglyph Cyan – Red.

To watch 3D using mirror, click here.

By Toji Ali

Terima kasih sudi singgah ke blog yang tak seberapa ini. Harap ada manfaat yang anda dapat dari sini. Blogging untuk suka-suka saja.

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