Here I will share a trick on how to copy sms from phone memory into external memory card and from external memory card into internal phone or mass memory. In another word, to copy messages to a new drive when you change in-use memory. This tutorial is only for Symbian phones.

Copy SMS
How to copy SMS to another storage

It is very easy to do that.

Step 1 for s60v3v5 phones:
Firstly you need to turn off your platform security (also known as capsoff your phone)
Open your file manager for example, X-plore and go to C:/private/1000484b/mail2
and delete “index” file in the directory. This one is if you want to copy SMS from memory card to mass memory.
If you wish to copy SMS from mass memory to memory card, go to E:/private/1000484b/mail2 and delete “index” file.

Step 1 for s60v1v2 phones:
If you want to copy SMS from memory card to mass memory, go to c:/system/mail and delete “index”.
If you want to copy SMS from mass memory to memory card, go to E:/system/mail and delete “index”.

Note: It is highly recommended to backup “index” file first before proceed the deletion process, this is for a backup if you lose your important messages, you can undone the deletion process.

Step 2:
Final step is, open Messaging, go to Option >> Setting >> Others >> Memory in Use >> Select new drive for your SMS.
Now you will be prompted to copy messages from current drive to new drive. Yes. Done, your SMS are now successfully copied into a new drive.

By Toji Ali

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