Have you ever encountered an error when trying to run fresh install of Autodesk 3ds Max software? It says “The application was unable to start correctly (0xc000007b). Click OK to close the application.”

Yes, I encountered that problem this week and I need to use that software badly for my modelling class. Although I can use Maya and I have Maya installed on my laptop but my lecturer instead want us to use 3ds Max. By the way, I had installed 64-bit version.

Autodesk 3ds Max error 0xc000007b
Error message

I had searched the internet for a whole night to solve the problem but I found nothing. Some mentioned to update/reinstall something like Microsoft C++ redistributable and DirectX but neither working for me.

Autodesk page mentioned that for 64-bit platform I need to have Windows XP/7 Pro, but some says Home Premium also capable to run 3ds Max.

I have a laptop with these specs:
-Microsoft Windows 7 SP1 Home Premium 64-bit
-HD Intel Graphics hybrid with NVIDIA cuda
-Intel Core i5-2410M CPU @ 2.30GHz

Since I cannot solve the problem, then I thinking of to uninstall and reinstall 32-bit version on my 64-bit laptop and guest what, my problem solved. Now I can do my assignments.

Hopefully this will be helpful to you guys with this problem. But till now I do not know why I cannot use 64-bit version though my laptop is 64-bit.

Oh yeah, by the way I use student license. If you a student, get free Autodesk student licences for all softwares.

By Toji Ali

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