If you ever wonder how to change theme icons on Nokia s60v2 phone.
You can manually change the icons using a trick.
It is an easy task.

Let say you have two themes installed on your s60v2 device. One with a nice icons but ugly background image while the other one with nice background but ugly icons.
Is there any way that I can combine the nice icons into the theme with nice background?
Yes, you can.

Nokia Theme Icons
Change icons of a theme

First, you need to access to system directory using a file manager such as FileMan, X-Plore, FileXxplorer etc.
If you not already have one, install and open one of the software then go to directory where theme with nice icons located ( c: or e: /system/skins/xxxxxx/).
NOTE: xxxxxx refers to the theme folder. If you does not have any idea which folder the theme is located, you need to extract the theme installer using Universal Extractor and take note of the folder name of the theme.

Once you are inside the theme folder, copy the *.ini file and then go to the theme with nice background directory. Paste the *.ini file there.
In the folder, there is also a *.ini file specific for the theme. Write down the name, create a backup of the *.ini file and then delete it.
The last thing you have to do is to rename the *.ini file that you had copied before. Rename it exactly as the original *.ini in the current folder where you are, that’s why earlier I have told you to write down the name.

Its already done, go to theme and it is important to choose “theme with nice background but ugly icon” instead of the other one because we are modding modifying the mentioned theme, not the other one.

This trick already tested working, I found this trick accidentally and hope useful for you guys. Happy trying.
NOTE: If the *.ini file is ThemesE.ini, this trick would not working.

By Toji Ali

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